Friday, October 31, 2008

Does size REALLY Matter?

You ask most women if size matters when it comes to a man's penis and they'll most probably say, "Not really". Are they lying? Well, like with everything else, some are and some aren't. Most women I know, myself included, don't worry about it. To me, it's like any other appendage. You got what God gave you. Some men have small ears, noses, lips, so why not a small penis? Of course, it works in reverse also. Who cares? Besides the men.

Honestly, when it comes to sexual satisfaction, the size of the penis isn't what it really comes down to for most of us. I'm a big girl so it would seem that I'd need an extra few inches for satisfaction. I've had all sizes and believe me when I tell you there's nothing, for me, romantic about being pounded by an oversized dick! Now, if you're one of those scandalous hussies who likes to be tortured, go for it. Find a big one and kill it! But, it's not my thing. Nice and average works great for me.

I like warmth and affection and although sometimes there's nothing quite like a good, hard screw, a smaller one can do the job just as good with the right body positioning. A man's sexual prowess isn't governed by the size of his sex organ. Although I have a large "garage", a compact car can definitely fit in it. It's especially nice if the woman wants to be on top. Besides, the vagina isn't the only orifice on your body. When it comes to oral sex, a smaller one fits just fine.

I always wonder why some men think a big dick is so desired when they don't know how to use it. Having eight to ten inches is fine but not when you have squat technique and all you can do is ram it in and out of a woman's body! Any woman knows the best part of the penis is the head so extra length is surely not every thing. The biggest turn on for me with sex is a clean body and fresh breath. A man cannot expect me to be romantically inclined with him after he's sweaty and filthy from working on his car or moving furniture all day. Some women get turned on by that, not the kid. There is nothing remotely appealing to me about a smelly, sweaty crotch and underarms. NOTHING. Or, some man who's belted down a six pack of beer and smoked a few cancer sticks and wants some tongue action. Don't even think about it. Take your sweaty, smelly ass away from me.

So in conclusion, most times size doesn't count. Unless, it comes to the size of his heart. A big heart beats a big dick any day.

The Asian In-Laws From Hell

I read a lot of blogs and forums of Black females married to, or in relationships with, Asian men. The love between them appears to be real. However, the biggest complaint these sisters have aren't about the difference between cultures, lifestyles, etc. It's about the in-laws they have, or will have. In other words, the unadulterated hate, the in-laws have for her just because she's black.

Now, I give the men BIG props for marrying the woman they love regardless of what their parents say. One man said his parents refuse to even be in the same room with his wife! Sisters, I know how hard it is for love to come around, I really do. But no matter what age and stage of life you're at, NEVER accept HATE into your life! Yes, I know it's not him but his parents, but let someone with a lot of experience put a "bug" in your ear: He is a direct product of those parents!
I cannot see myself marrying into a family so ignorant, hateful and contemptible. I just can't see it. The world is in enough trouble as it is and I surely don't need the headache of trying to "win over" some simple minded butt hole whose thought processes are stuck in the 19th century. Can't do. I, as a strong, independent, intelligent Black female will NOT prove my humanity to any damned body! Won't happen. I love MEN, not boys.

If your "honey" feels the pressure so strongly to "obey" his parents, don't fight it because he's not the one for you. Personally, I feel everyone in my life is honored that I am acquainted with them. I have a lot to offer and I have great insight into so many things that others never even think about. My heart overflows with love for LIFE. Time is the one thing that once it's gone, can never be recaptured. Why waste it trying to appease someone who's already lived the majority of their lives when yours is all ahead of you?

Men, don't ever leave this world having regrets that you didn't love the one you wanted! Ladies, your man may say he loves you so much it doesn't matter what his parents think or say but think about it: traditional Asian families have very strong ties. Eventually, if he goes against his parents wishes and marries you anyway, not now, not tomorrow, but one day, he will resent you. The strongest bonds in the world are between parent and child.

The funny thing is that most Black in-laws may not be overjoyed that their child is marrying someone of a different race, but the majority sure won't outright reject or disown them for it! We, as a people, have always been more accepting. Not because we're so happy to have a non-Black family member, but because we want our children to be happy.

We must all work out our existence here in our own ways and in our own times. My word out to my sisters is not to allow people who don't even have the common decency to get to know you before judging you, bring that toxic waste into your life! You and your man will in all probability, everything working according to nature, have children. Do you really want your children not to know your husband's side of the family? Or to know they can't talk to them or visit them because they despise the color of their skin? Think it over.

I'm not saying not to marry an Asian man but you must work this out before you do. Don't think just because the two of you marry and you're now in the family they will automatically accept you.

There are some fine, strong Asian men out there. I am at the age where any man I'd get involved with would probably have deceased parents anyway so it's not an issue. Good thing too, because if they were still alive and interfering, he wouldn't get none of this.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Lovely, Touching Movie

I rented this movie this week from Netflix. I love foreign movies and was so pleasantly surprised by this one. The movie was made in 1993 and the story, scenery and acting are superb!

It is in subtitles so you must pay close attention but the story will break your heart. It stars the lovely Gong Li as a prostitute that comes between two best friends who are actors in the Peking Opera. Rescued from a group of obscene, drunk customers in a brothel by one performer who claims he is her fiance so the men will leave her alone, you can almost feel what's coming next. Little did he know that she would quit the brothel and show up barefoot at his door fully expecting him to honor what he'd said in front of the men at the brothel.

Dutifully, he marries her against the objections of his "stage brother" and the problems begin. Without actually stating it, the other perfomer is homosexual and one gets the notion he has fallen in love with his "stage brother". The homosexual character, played by Leslie Cheung, who in real life was gay and tragically, committed suicide in 2004, plays the part with such beauty and sensitivity. Besides being a beautiful man to begin with, he plays his character so convincingly, the lines begin to blur between his stage character and his real life.

The ending is tragic and will stay with you afterwards. Please rent this movie. You won't be disappointed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

This Is One Fine Ass Man!!!

Who knew that hip-hop and rap were so popular in Japan, of all places? The "Land of the Rising Sun" has done a 360 degree turnabout, it appears. One of the more popular rap artists is Zeebra, pictured above. Dam! You mean they got rappers lookin' like this in Tokyo? This is unreal to look this fine and call yourself a rapper. Most rappers in this country are scary and dangerous looking. Tatoos from head to foot, gold in the mouth, scars and rap sheets. Nothing like this "pretty boy", that's for sure.

It seems that so-called "black music" is everywhere. It's made it all the way to Aisa, of all places. This genre of music hasn't just arrived, BTW. It seems several rap artists have been belting out the lyrics for quite a while on that continent. More well known Asian rappers like Jin and Sphere have a more universal following but there are so many Asian rappers, I was astounded! Music is truly universal and whenever his musical genius dries up, he can always be some rich, old broad's "boy toy". He fine. Period.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sit Down Ho!

Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama drew an astounding 100,000 supporters in Colorado recently.

In Cedar Falls, Iowa, McCain campaigned before a much smaller audience, roughly 2,000 people, and chided his Democratic rival: "He's measuring the drapes. ... I prefer to let voters have their say. What America needs now is someone who will finish the race before starting the victory lap." He also "guaranteed" a victory next month.

If we, as a people, have learned anything these past years (and that is up for serious debate), we will get off our asses, go to the polls and keep that mofo and his ignorant-ass running mate out of the White House!

Does this foo ever have anything decent to say? He needs to shut the hell up, go sit his old ass down in his rocking chair and leave running a country to a young man. A young man who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, who knows how to get along with ALL people and not alienate sections of the American public by calling them "gooks". We can pretty much guess what McCain refers to Obama and his "kind" as behind closed doors. Yeah, we know a racist when we see/hear one. True dat.

Black Oil and Asian Gold

So, this is something I talk and write about a lot. I adore Asian men and think they are some of the hottest damned men on earth. There are lots of internet sites advocating relationships between black women and white men and although I don't care one way or the other about that, I advocate the Asian male/Black female union.

I hate, with a passion, stereotypes and try at every opportunity, to raise hell about them. When I hear non-Asian men say that all Asian men have small penises, I cringe. I always wonder: How the hell do you know??! How can you say all of anything is the same? Besides, who is doing these comparisons and putting out the data ? This sounds very strange from any angle.

Black females and Asian men are an exciting match, to me. I find the mystery of the culture and men very, very exciting. This isn't by any means purely sexual although, of course, that always enters into the equation when you talk men and women.

Now, I'm not saying there aren't any fione men of other races because I am not a liar. But, as a woman who's had them all, the Asians do it best for me. Also, I think Black females need to ditch the stereotypes, expand their horizons and put away the fear that holds so many of us back. Go where these men are. Seek them out and be approachable! There's a whole untapped resource for us that we're allowing to slip away because of stereotypes. Open your hearts and minds, sisters. I doubt you'll be disappointed.