Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sit Down Ho!

Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama drew an astounding 100,000 supporters in Colorado recently.

In Cedar Falls, Iowa, McCain campaigned before a much smaller audience, roughly 2,000 people, and chided his Democratic rival: "He's measuring the drapes. ... I prefer to let voters have their say. What America needs now is someone who will finish the race before starting the victory lap." He also "guaranteed" a victory next month.

If we, as a people, have learned anything these past years (and that is up for serious debate), we will get off our asses, go to the polls and keep that mofo and his ignorant-ass running mate out of the White House!

Does this foo ever have anything decent to say? He needs to shut the hell up, go sit his old ass down in his rocking chair and leave running a country to a young man. A young man who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, who knows how to get along with ALL people and not alienate sections of the American public by calling them "gooks". We can pretty much guess what McCain refers to Obama and his "kind" as behind closed doors. Yeah, we know a racist when we see/hear one. True dat.

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