Sunday, October 26, 2008

Black Oil and Asian Gold

So, this is something I talk and write about a lot. I adore Asian men and think they are some of the hottest damned men on earth. There are lots of internet sites advocating relationships between black women and white men and although I don't care one way or the other about that, I advocate the Asian male/Black female union.

I hate, with a passion, stereotypes and try at every opportunity, to raise hell about them. When I hear non-Asian men say that all Asian men have small penises, I cringe. I always wonder: How the hell do you know??! How can you say all of anything is the same? Besides, who is doing these comparisons and putting out the data ? This sounds very strange from any angle.

Black females and Asian men are an exciting match, to me. I find the mystery of the culture and men very, very exciting. This isn't by any means purely sexual although, of course, that always enters into the equation when you talk men and women.

Now, I'm not saying there aren't any fione men of other races because I am not a liar. But, as a woman who's had them all, the Asians do it best for me. Also, I think Black females need to ditch the stereotypes, expand their horizons and put away the fear that holds so many of us back. Go where these men are. Seek them out and be approachable! There's a whole untapped resource for us that we're allowing to slip away because of stereotypes. Open your hearts and minds, sisters. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

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