Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (and lungs, heart, etc)

I'm really astonished at how many Asian men smoke. In particular, Japanese men, who I think are the sexiest, seem to never be without a "cancer stick". Didn't they get the memo about the health risks of smoking? To make matters worse, I hear that Japan promotes smoking. Come on - that's taking it way too far! Doesn't the Japanese Health Ministry, or whatever it's called, let the populace know that this habit is life threatening/deadly? The Japanese are a fast forward, educated race of people. What don't they understand about this?

I saw a group of really cute Japanese tourists standing in front of PetSmart the other day. YES, I knew they were Japanese by their look. I can tell one Asian from another. Koreans look different from Japanese and Chinese look different from Koreans. I've studied this long and hard! lol Anyway, I'm coming out the doors with my cart of kitty litter and Fancy Feast and see these cutie-pies outside speaking in Japanese. I put on my best "Hot Mama Switch" and just as I get ready to say "Hi" in my sugary sweet voice, they all light up! What a bummer! They were all attractive BEFORE they stuck that thing in their mouths but afterwards, they all looked gross! Smoking is one thing I just won't compromise on. Not only does it look sickening, it smells awful and is bad for your health. WHAT is the allure to start with?

I can't even begin to think about getting romantic with a man who smokes. It's a total turn-off. Yet, I see soooo many Asian men puffing on those cancer sticks until it's depressing. They have their diet "down", what about this smoking thing?

I don't know why I should be so surprised. Americans have much more information about the health hazards of smoking thrown at them regularly and yet, large numbers of us still smoke. Having never smoked, I can't stand to even smell it, much less put something that gross in my mouth, inhale it into my body and then, go to the gym and exercise. What is that? I see so many guys at work do that. There must be a disconnect in their brains.

Oh well, maybe I will find that one-in-a-hundred Asian man that doesn't smoke and we can kiss until we pass out! lol

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